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QuickPres:Presentation Application

Designed for Tablet

Project Summary

This project is to build a touch screen tablet application for a large team of sales representatives. The goal of the app is to let sales reps build simple yet powerful custom presentations out of a library of content such as video clips, images, and other visual assets on the go.


Those busy sales representatives need an easy-to-use app on their tablets from work that lets them combine assets into a simple presentations because they spend most of their time on the road visiting prospects and existing clients from one city to another and have no time and are not experts to deal with complex settings or create presentations from scratch.



The app includes 3 main areas:

  1. Time line: that user can gather all the slides that wants to show in presentation.

  2. Workspace Area: area that user can edit the slides, adding assets and save as presentation.

  3. Assets: the area that user can brows through all prepared assets including other presentations.



  • Creating a working platform with ability to access all tools and materials on a tablet size screen

  • Simplifying all tools and assets to enhance usability as much as possible.

  • Adjusting all platform’ tools and materials based on drag and drop and finger touch functionality.

  • Creating simple, fast and easy to use app while keeping it look professional.



The idea was that the user is able to create a professional-looking presentation on screen with prepared assets, effortless and fast with her/his fingers on tablet between meetings with clients to help her/his sells.  I started with simple sketches on paper consider user-centered design: 


  • How the user can see the assets (which are her main content) and tools at the same platform while assembling the slides. 

  • How to make different tools available for different materials (text, image, document, video) without moving fingers too much from one point to another in order to finish the work as much as possible. 

  • How to let the user choose just part of a video s/he needs and combine it into her/his presentation with no video editing.


  • Ability to create a new slide on time line

  • Choose from pre designed layouts

  • Drag and drop different assets including existing slides from previous presentations

  • Attached toolbox specific for each asset for fast and simple editinhg

  • Save each slides that goes automatically in time line

  • Ability to cut videos, by simply choosing start and end point for each video with small toolbox attached to video

  • • Ability to preview the slide and completed presentation in preview mode while it is on workspace area

  • Ability to change the slides orders in time line

  • Bluetooth feature to enable sharing the presentation on different devices


Inventory Dashboard


Air Travel Experience:


Pearson Airport Website

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